Monday Job Seekers Connection with MassBioEd


Monday, February 5, 2024, 11:00am to 12:30pm


Harvard Ed Portal, 224 Western Ave., Allston

Start your week with a community of other job seekers who support, encourage, motivate, and learn from each other through their job searches. Job Seekers Connection energizes and inspires participants by sharing valuable strategies and techniques from professional career coaches, recruiters, and Human Resources representatives.

This weeks's presenter: Heather Derby, Senior Manager of Community Engagement
Topic: Career Opportunities in Life Sciences

MassBioEd's mission is to build a sustainable life sciences workforce in the region through educational programs that engage and excite teachers, inspire and propel students, and illuminate the pathway from the classroom to career with a focus on expansion, opportunity, and diversity. The goal of the Life Sciences Career Hub is to provide greater life sciences awareness, access, and career services to Massachusetts residents. Their workshops are introductory and are presented to demystify the life sciences/biotech industry, share about training & education programs, career found in the industry, and other resources. They aim to excite people about the industry and inspire them to pursue training, education, and careers in life sciences/biotech.

About the presenter:
Heather Derby serves as the Senior Manager of Community Engagement in the Workforce Development department at MassBioEd. She joined MassBioEd in June 2022 as the Manager of Career Services. Prior to joining MassBioEd, Heather served for approximately four years at MassHire Metro North Workforce Board (MNWB) as the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Programs Manager. There, she developed partnerships and collaborations with school districts, STEM employers, and other stakeholders to secure STEM internships and career awareness opportunities for students and young adults. She also co-chaired MNWB’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, and led the Metro North STEM Network - one of 9 state Regional STEM Networks - where she more than tripled the organization’s regional participation in MA STEM Week over three years. Heather’s career has spanned both the workforce development and education fields. She holds a Master of Arts in Regional Economic and Social Development and two Bachelors of Arts in International Relations and Political Science.